Safety mats for industrial machine guarding applications.
Safety mats are pressure-sensitive machine safeguarding products for the industrial marketplace. Safety mats are designed to detect the presence of workers or passer-by on the mat surface area around hazardous machines. These safety mats are flexible, impact resilient, functional after punctures, extremely durable and will not rust. We offer the largest selection of sizes and styles available. Custom safety mats and large machine layouts are our specialty. We are the manufacturer and the safety mats are Made in USA.
Leuze electronic Pty Ltd is a distributor for Pinnacle in Australia. Contact our friendly staff for more information/free quote: 1300 538 933
NSD Safety Mat System
duty and flexible safety mat system. The Category 3 controller meets
all safety standards. This style system is the traditional style of a
normally open (NO) switch mats. Customized shapes and sizes of mats is
our specialty with large 6′ x 12′ single mat capability. Made in USA.
STTS Safety Mats
duty and flexible safety mat system. The Category 4 STTS Controller
actually pulses each individual mat every 19Ms to assure no tampering to
the mat or controller was attempted. Simply the most durable safety mat
system in the world. Customized shapes and sizes of mats is our
specialty with large 6′ x 12′ single mat capability. Made in USA.